Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whats the longest youve ever went without a bath or shower?

?Whats the longest youve ever went without a bath or shower?
About 3 weeks whilst doing my National Service on a Military Exercise.Whats the longest youve ever went without a bath or shower?
6 months.
mayb a week
About a week, when I was travelling in India. I hated that aspect of the trip - I like to bathe every single day. I don't think I could ever do that again.
I think about 4 days when I was on safari
3 days at festivals every year
I have a shower/bath once a month, whether I need it or not. lol
hm bout a week
a day..when i travel and its a long flight lol
three days, but i was about 7

now its everyday such a clean boy i am lol
When I was a kid, probably a week. But now, like 3 days...
3 days!
teenager..90s..grunge probabaly a week.

these days..the longest i can stand is perhaps 2 days.
Uh.h. A Day. :).

Cuase it was a long drive and we got there RELLLLY late
4 days, i was 11 on a school trip to France and the showers were soo horrible!!
3 days lol.

only coz our bathroom was gettin done ih half term

so i suppose it aint that bad

and i didnt go no where.
2 days
When I got into Nirvana and Grunge in my youth, I stopped washing for a whole summer. Gross I know, But nobody told me I smelt, and they would have if i did,
3049 days
30 minutes to over 1 hour; I love to be clean and warm.
Real bath:

Winter - 1 to 2 days max.

Summer - every day.

Wash myself everyday, wash my face everyday, brush my teeth 2 to 3x a day. Bit of a clean freak actually.

Neat and clean are some of the qualities which are important to me.
for like.. 4 days? but thats when i was a kid and every kid does that. i have a shower everyday or else i feel ewwww. :P
when i was little about 3 days because i hated water. but now i LOVE having showers. i usually jus have one once a day sometimes twice a day.
The most? About a week, I think.

When I'm having a really bad week with tons of anxiety/panic attacks, feeling depressed, I pretty much spend the entire week sleeping, with only bathroom breaks and a few minutes to eat between. =/
2 weeks or about 10 days
1 Day!
5 days
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