Monday, January 18, 2010

Why do we wash our towels if we are already clean coming out of the shower/bath?

Dust, dirt, and other floating debris from the air. Also when you shower or bathe you don't get everything off. Speaking from experience with two little cousins. I can't remember how many times when I was baby-sitting them that I would send them back into the tub and then have to go in and help them because they didn't get all the dirt off the first time. Sometimes I realize I missed a spot. Dirt from dead skin cells, mildew and mold, pet hair and dander, and various other debris make your towels dirty. Just a little (okay a lot) of info. lol byeWhy do we wash our towels if we are already clean coming out of the shower/bath?
When you dry yourself, bits of skin are rubbed off and remain on the towel. This skin is perfect food for skin mites and other little nasties. Over time, your ';clean'; towel will start to smell rather rank.Why do we wash our towels if we are already clean coming out of the shower/bath?
Did you know that 7 minutes after you've stepped out of the shower and/or bathing tub, you collect the same amount of bacteria on your skin/pores as before your shower? We technically don't even need to bathe, the only reason we do is because most of us don't like feeling dirty, or not smelling pleasant. One way or another our skin doesn't mind a bit!

But the point to washing towels, is that after you get out of the shower, you've both collected airbourne dirt particles, and we also get our towels wet, and even if we hang dry them they still collect bacteria waiting to breed in the moistness of our towels.

It's necessary to wash our towels to keep them sanitary - or as sanitary as possible!
You may be clean, but your towel gather a lot of moisture from you when you dry, and start to smell...
1.Left over skin gets on them and turns to dust.

2.The dampness will cause them to mildew.

3.No one wants to dry off with a towel you used on your @SS no matter how many times you washed it!
Because we're not all that clean. We're just cleaner than when we went in.

The towels get full of skin particles, soap residue, remaining dirt, etc.
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