Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's the longest you gone without a shower or bath?

Ummm, 3 days.

But there were specific reasons.What's the longest you gone without a shower or bath?
like 2 weeks i was at my cottage and the shower broke so my dad had to build a new bathroom and everything so i couldn't shower =/What's the longest you gone without a shower or bath?
about 5 days or more

God has no one been a kid on this forums?
I think like one day, today would be an example lol I was too lazy. But I think I drove out of state and the place took forever to get too so maybe 2.. but most likely one idk I can't remember.
3 when i was at space camp:)
3 days

Answer mine? %26lt;3鈥?/a>
2 days...the showers at camp were grosser than being without a shower:(
Three days. It was disgusting. I do not like camping. Eww.

As soon as I got to my shower I took a very long one. EECK.

*shudders* (I'm a shower every day type of girl) :O
2 days :- /
2 days
like 2 days
2 days (camping trip)


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