Monday, January 18, 2010

At what age is it safe to start let children bath/shower alone?

my girls are 4 and 5 and they like to have a shower, but can't, (ok I won't let them) wash their hair on their own. I am worried they will get soap in their eyes and cry. I would say before the age of 5 they are still to young. I won't let them bath totally alone either.At what age is it safe to start let children bath/shower alone?
Well my daughter started when she was 2, but she doesn't shower without me.At what age is it safe to start let children bath/shower alone?
I have four children and I agree that eight is a good age, I still check on my child by keeping the door cracked and listening, occasionally I will talk to get a respond, and to remind them that they are suppose to be washing and to be sure to wash the hair and behind the ears. I'm still never more than an earshot from the bathroom. You want to be sure they are safe, you can start by just sitting nearby in the same room while they shower and then slowly taking 2 min here and there out of the room, until your comfortable with their responsability level.
at age 4, you should allow them to try to have some hand in showering themselves. you can let them take the soap and soap their bodies all over; it helps them to identify parts of their bodies too! you should be the one washing their hair, you will do a cleaner job of it. and then hose them down! basically you are there to also supervise.

at age 5, they will be able to have better control of the shower head. they will be able to shower themselves but not too clean. so, again, be there to supervise.

at age 6, they can independently shower themselves. and much cleaner too!

you cant just throw your child in there to shower alone. it starts with some guidance, a little supervision and gradually, leaving them to be independent. (:
I just started letting my six year old take showers and baths by himself and he does very well. So i think around the ages of six or seven years old
i was 8 or 9 when there would be no more hot water for my bath, so I used a hair dryer to help keep me warm. I am lucky my slippery hands held on, and I didn't end up electrocuting myself. I have heard of adults slipping, being knocked unconcious, and drowning. Sorry for any paranoia I have given you.
It depends on the child. I have a five year old that I swear is a 30 yr old stuck in her body. I have her bathe herself but I'm there with her to watch her, I do still wash her hair though because I don't want it to get all tangled.
I woulden't start any earlyer than 7. As long as they are coordinated, can reach every thing, and can get the watter on and off, and can keep it on with out freezing or scolding themselves, they'll be fine. But you also have to make sure they can fully wash them selves. Pay special attention to them washing hair and privates, Because some kids tend to not wash or not properly wash those area's. Which can lead to problems. They also need to be able to effectivly dry them selves off. But other than that he/she should be fine. 7 is about the earliest to start but dont let it go much past 10.
I would say when they know not to splash all the water out of the tub or are well balanced to stand and wash their hair and body.

my niece is 11 and is nicknamed grace for a reason, lol. she showers by herself.
When they can understand the concept of taking a shower is to get clean and not to play. My mom started letting us take showers alone when we were about eight. Use your best judgment.
I have a 7, 5 and a 2 year girl, my 7 year old can turn the shower on and off by herself and they all can shower, wash themselves and hair. We wash it for them some times as im not too sure how good a job they do. As for the bath they like bathing together but we do the water (otherwise they end up with a bath of cold water)

Having 3 of them, its good they have some Independence, they can shower themselves before bed while we clean up after dinner. My oldest would have been over 2 before we let her stay in the bathroom by herself, the others were younger as they had an older sis to watch. I think it depends on the child and if they have the mentality to understand about water safety and not to touch hot taps.
I was about five or six when I started to do son is four and he takes a lot of showers and I can usually leave him in there alone and he is ok for a small amount of time. I remain upstairs and usually just get a couple of chores done. We have three bedrooms and the bathrooms which are all super close so I can hear him and even talk to him. I usually have to put the soap in his hair and watch him wash his body though to make sure he is getting everywhere. It will still probably be another year or two before I can trust him to do a good job on his own and to be safe. For now he gets small amounts of time alone in the shower though. I never let him take a bath alone though. I'm paranoid he'll drown so only showers I'll leave him in for a few minutes alone.

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