Monday, January 18, 2010

Which is better: to take a shower/bath everyday or to take a shower/bath just once a week?

I only take a shower once or twice a weekWhich is better: to take a shower/bath everyday or to take a shower/bath just once a week?
if you only need to take a few showers a week, I'm jealous of you! some people just naturally produce less oil in their hair and need to wash it less often; they also tend to have less of a problem with body odor.

taking less showers is actually better for your skin/hair - washing too often can strip it of natural oils, making it overcompensate by producing too much oil. not to mention, washing too often will make your skin really dry and flaky, especially in the winter.

if you do only take one or two showers a week, just make sure you're hair isn't too greasy and your body isn't gross and smelly. try washing your feet, etc more often to make sure you don't smell. however, if a few time a week works for you, go right ahead!Which is better: to take a shower/bath everyday or to take a shower/bath just once a week?
Most definitely everyday!

I mean a bit of bacteria is good, but I guess it depends on how actuve you are in your day. If your sitting pretty still and not eating or drinking much, you COULD possible get away with washing your outer limbs (arms, face) and bathing/showering less often. But I guess the question really should be, whats the reason for not have a shower/bath daily?
personaly i bath/shower every 3 days :p which is twice a week

i mean, I dont wanna make my skin dry and sire and i dont wanna rip my skin/hair from its natural oils with all the soap/chemicals we use !

i dunno, maybe im just different :p lol
if your hair doesnt get greasy easliy and you dont smell then i see no problem. my fiance showers basically like that and he doesnt smell at all and his hair is fine. i take a shower every other day because its actually bad for your hair if you shower every day.

shower every day please
I don't think showering once a week is very hygienic, no offense. Shower every other day, at LEAST.
you need to shower every day, or you are going to become known for your body smell.
shower everyday. god, once a week would be rough!
I personally feel taking a shower/bath everyday should be on the top of your to-do list. It's important. Taking them everyday helps you as well as those around you not to get sick. Also it's important so you won't develop strong body oder.
what a stupid question, which do you think?!

thats sick, i think you should shower like at least every other day. but you should everyday to be honest.
Oh wow. I feel sorry for the person who has to live with you. That's gross as hell. Take a bath/shower EVERY day!
ergh you skank :L

sorry, do it everyday
Please help your girlfriend!


(Or at least every other day! )

Eeewwwww! how could you even consider the 'once a week' option.
ewwwwwwwwwww ur supposed to take a shower every single day
are you kidding??
EWWWWWW ur a pig how can u only shower ones a week! dusgusting

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