Monday, January 18, 2010

How many times should i shower/ bath my dog per week help !!?

like she sleeps with me on the corner of my bed so i want her clean, my sister in law says that to many showeres is bad for her. i was thinkng like every three days shower her herlp me out thanks.How many times should i shower/ bath my dog per week help !!?
You shouldn't be bathing her more than once a fortnight. Washing her more frequently than this can compromise the skin barrier function, making her more prone to yeast and bacterial skin infections.

If she gets filthy in between times (rolling in the mud for example) you can wash her off, but otherwise stick to once a fortnight (or less often), and use a good colloidal oatmeal shampoo (and conditioner if you want). This should keep her skin and coat in great condition.How many times should i shower/ bath my dog per week help !!?
once every week or 10 days - unless the dog goes out and rolls in the dirt. Too much bathing is bad for the dog's skin. Use something with Oatmeal in it and rub it in, all the way to the skin to avoid dry flaky dander or skin yeast infections.
Zero times per week. Once every month or two, depending on how dirty she gets. Bathing too often can dry out her skin.
Dogs shouldn't be bathed that much unless they're competing in shows. I've know people to bath their dogs 3 times in a day, while at a dog show. That's not their normal routine. When they're not competing, they get bathed once every 2 weeks.
Any and every time she rolls in it...

If she never rolls in it - whenever she stinks so bad you can't take it anymore.
it depends on what breed of dog it is. some require frequent showers/baths, others don't require as many.
i have a dog in the house the vet says once of month because of there skin. the last trip to the groomers they told us we were bathing him to much. we were bathing him twice a week then we went down to once aweek now about 2 weeks. if he's not out much. he scratches alot from the dry skin. we had to buy som oatmeal treatment for him this time we know haveing try skin ourself to bad. but for a dog its miserable. hope this helps.
No maybe once a month but not 3 times a week it dangerouse! ask a vet what they think they may tell u different
It does depend on what breed of dog it is. Some require washing more often than others. My Chihuahua can't be washed too often or her skin dries out, whereas my Cane Corso Mastiff needs a bath every other week or so.
1 time every week or two
Once a week or once every two weeks is safe... If you think your dog gets really dirty why dont you use bath wipes instead ???
Dogs are not people - they don't need frequent bathing. Bathing too often will dry their skin and coat. Dogs are going to smell like dogs, and that's just a fact if you own one.

If you're concerned about your dog smelling like a dog, there are dry shampoos and doggie cologne you can get at the pet store that can help, but bathing your dog more than once a month (at most) can lead to other problems.
I was told by the vet that only once or twice a month is all. If you have your dog on flea medication to many baths will make it not work as good if your not using an oatmeal shampoo. Most the time I give my dog a bath before I put his flea medicine on. And during summer months I give him more if he gets more dirter.

Hope this helps.
I understand that you want her to be clean...but that is simply too many baths for a are likely to damage her skin and or fur...

You do not state what kind of dog so that people can make suggestions on the amount of bathing that breed would need...BUT every 3 days is too much for ANY breed...
Dogs should only be bathed once a week at the most, and more than that can really dry out their skin %26amp; is not good for them.
Although it does depend on the breed of dog it also depends on what products you use when bathing the dog. If using a wet shampoo I would suggest no more than twice a month. But you can get a dry shampoo for in between times. It is more important to groom the dog if long hair than bathe it. Please remember they also clean themselves and you don't want to dry out their skin.
Too much bathing can be bad for their fur and skin. Once a week or every other week is best.
Yes, It depends on your dog. I would say once a month for dogs with a single coat and or short hair. Dogs with double coat and or long hair only need baths a few times a year.
once a week is ok, esp during the summer. it's best to keep her indoors so she wont get too dirty.
I have a english bulldog that has to be washed every 2 day's and has to wear a t shirt b/c of skin allergies..... 1 a week should be fine...
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