Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is the best bath or shower soap?

What is the best soap for showering or bathing that doesnt strip so much of ur body oils? Looking for something that is very hydrating. In the winter months i have alot of problems with dry skin and Eczema even with humidifier and cooler showers. Any ideas on good soap?What is the best bath or shower soap?
DOVE Go Fresh Bodywash is unbelievable. I have super sensitive skin that gets dry also, so you can be sure this stuff is good. It hydrates really well and isn't too heavy. Some soaps like Olay would leave this weird film on my skin that itched. Go Fresh comes in four different scents. My favorite is the Grapefruit and Lemongrass. It's fresh and energizing. Also, you should try their matching shampoo and conditioner. (They make deodorant and a fragrance too.) It is pretty reasonably priced.What is the best bath or shower soap?
Definetely DOVE - I have extrememly sensative skin that if I use pretty much ANY other kind of soap I break out in a rash. This is the BEST soap and it leaves you feeling clean, not like other soaps that you feel like you can't get the soap off after washing with it.
If you have exzema dermatologist reccomend you use Aveeno. My brother suffers from really bad eczema and this is what doctors reccomended him use and its worked wonders. Dove is good as well but Aveeno has the essential products in it to tame eczema.
I have the same problem. Stay away from all bar soap even Dove. Dove bar still dried out my skin. I use an oatmeal body wash by St. Ives. Then I use pure vitamin E oil to moisturize afterwards.

Since you have Eczema I take it your skin is sensitive so you might want to go with the sensitive skin formula.
I dont really like bar soaps because it makes my skin really dry. I would go with Body wash and body scrub. but i cant give you any names cause im not normally picky with what i grab.
Old Spice shower gel

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