Monday, January 18, 2010

Women - What Do You Think About When You Are In The Bath/Shower?

Also, what do you wash first when you are taking a shower? Be as descriptive as possible.Women - What Do You Think About When You Are In The Bath/Shower?
i think about drowning myself in the bath water but then i change my mind becuase it's really dirty...jkWomen - What Do You Think About When You Are In The Bath/Shower?
They think about money.

Dead presidents do more for a woman than any living man ever could.
i wash my left arm first and i think about how every time i wash my left arm first
I think about how much freaking area I have to shave.

My face.
I think about how great the hot water feels running down my body.

I wash my hair, then my neck, then my chest, then I move to my arms, and my legs.

I finally wash my face.
I think of that Britney Spears song... Oops I did it again.... something is floating in the bathtub.
ZED ..... of course!!
that's the time when my mind goes blank...
I wash my face first and think about going to bed.
i wash my hair first.

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