Monday, January 18, 2010

If you take a cold bath/shower does it speed up your metabolism?

i've heard that. is it true?

and if so for how long would you have to soak?

and do you belive it would work for loosing weight?If you take a cold bath/shower does it speed up your metabolism?
Seriously, if that happened, think about how many women would be taking cold baths/showers.

It's pretty doubtful that that works.

Sorry.If you take a cold bath/shower does it speed up your metabolism?
well i never heard that you might want to try it for 2 weeks but write down on paper the date you stared how many pound did you loose to end day 2 weeks see if it work maybe for 10 or 20 min or 45 min ??? who knows
Most likely, anyone who gets cold water poured over them will move quikly to get out sooner or hop out and move vigorously to warm up, so in that aspect it would burn calories.
no.. If you want to know for a way to lose weight, cold showers will not do that

i take cold showers in the morning to because it wakes me up and makes me more alert

if you want to lose weight, diet and excercise!! ( you have probably heard that a million times before) but trust me it works.

to increase you metabolism you need to eat alot! like 5 or 6 times a day ( OF THE RIGHT FOODS!!). and make sure you dont eat too much, like a salad and protein shake would count as 1 of those meals

excercise!! sit up, crunches, push ups.. running around ur neighborhood..all of this would increase your metabolism,, and in no time you will lose weight. not enough to look like the people on magazines but you will see the differences, keep up and keep doing it and you will get to where you want to be

cold showers wont really help much dietarily ;)
Not significantly enough to matter, if at all. There's only one real way to lose weight: eat fewer calories and/or exercise more.

Avoid crash diets and diet programs that sound too good to be true. Losing weight is a lifestyle change that supports you throughout your life. Yes, it takes some work but a healthy lifestyle becomes second-nature after you practice it for awhile.
I think you would consume more energy because your body would need to heat up itself and thus consuming calories. I wouldn't do that just to lose weight though.
yes if you soak for 12 hours straight rapped in tin foil you will lose a few pounds..

serioulsy try a diet.

not cold water but cold weather will help you lose weight becausewhen you shiver your body is constatly working but you better off exercising and weating in the hot sun!!!!!
you should alternate hot and cold showers for a few seconds at a time - to help in blood circulation.
Haven't heard of that.

Drinking ice water will make you burn calories, your body has to heat the water up.
No it doesn't speed up your metabolism, but being in the cold burns more calories than being in the heat does.
No and further it can cause cardiac arrest sometimes with the shock.
No. You need to diet and excercise and stop wishfull thinking.
hydrotherapy works better for you metabolism
that would be cool if it did, but I doubt it. Although I would like to see other answers.
If you shiver you burn more calories but it would be way better to just exercise.
a little bit because your body has to work harder to stay warmer.

but its not a great method for losing weight

i mean do it once in a while but it wont help tremendously.
i never heard of that
Sorry, but there is no scientific basis for this. It's simply a myth.

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