Monday, January 18, 2010

How to clean myself without bath or shower?

I suffer from depression %26amp; anxiety disorder, and lately I cannot make myself do anything at all. Since I don't like getting wet, taking a bath or a shower is out of the question. Impossible.

I'm not a dirty person--I wash my hands, clean up as needed, etc.

Can anyone give me new ideas about how to stay fresh-smelling, and my hair soft %26amp; clean? Right now I use unscented baby wipes every few days, and my hair, well, I won't go there.

TX MomHow to clean myself without bath or shower?
For your skin, look for a soap called 'cetaphil.' You can use that with a damp cloth, and it doesn't have to be wiped off completely.

For the hair, I don't know about that. Hospitals have various types of products that they use on people who can't get out of bed, but I don't know where you could buy those things yourself.

At the risk of being really obvious, I'll also say that while it would be good to find these products to keep yourself clean in the short term, you should also work on being able to take a bath or shower every day.How to clean myself without bath or shower?
I work with a lot of people who are simply unable to get into a tub or shower for various reasons. We do what is called a 'sponge bath' with them. Simply use a wash cloth and a sinkful (or a bowl) of warm water, apply a very small amount of soap, and wipe away the sweat and dirt from all areas that are needed, including peri-care-(personal parts). Then rinse with a damp cloth and dry off. For your hair, once or twice a week, put your head in the sink, or a large basin with warm water. Use as little shampoo as possible to make it easier to rinse out, and if getting your hair wet is impossible at first, yo can try an oatmeal scrub (dry oatmeal (a few teaspoons), rubbed into the scalp and brushed out very thoroughly). Eventually, you will need to shampoo, but hopefully you will be able to get wet by then. Just take small steps, don't force yourself, but be firm about hygiene. You don;t want to create more problems by getting a rash or infection. Take care!
In the olden days, there weren't tubs or showers, unless you were willing to heat up water with a little kettle and slowly fill up a metal tub.

So, they did what was called ';who*re's baths';. Basically that is just washing up the stinky areas (underarms and nether regions) with a washcloth and soapy water, then just dry off.

Takes 5 minutes. :-)

As for your hair, pay someone to dunk you when you aren't looking, and tell them no matter how much you scream to just go ahead with the dunk.
If you have t he strength to wash your hands, use wipes and clean up as needed, I suggest you do all things at once. Just feel the tub with bubbling warm water and all you do is just go in it, no scrubbing, no nothing and you will get out of it squicky clean and smelling great.
Take a shower try having a shower with your husband I do it with my husband and we love it might help lol:)
Get a puppy, they love to lick you clean.
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